Trusting The Blood Of Jesus
Rev. Willam Reid, edited and revised by Robert L. Dickie
This little book by William Reid on the Blood of Jesus is designed to encourage people to come to Christ. It is a plea for each of us to look to Jesus alone as the only ground or basis for our salvation. The main focus of this work deals with faith in Christ. This does not mean that repentance and holy living are unimportant; for where true saving faith exists, so too, there will be repentance. Faith and repentance always go together. If we truly believe in these gracious gospel promises and find in Christ our righteousness, peace, and acceptance with God, then we will also bear the fruits of true repentance. A godly life is the evidence of true saving faith. Rev. Reid’s emphasis in this book is on faith in Christ. But he is not insinuating that repentance and holiness are unessential. He only intends to make it clear that our salvation and justification is not on the basis of any human merits, but rests only upon the finished work of Christ alone.