Doctrines of Grace and God's Sovereignty, The
By Robert L. Dickie
The Doctrines of Grace are the biblical teachings that deal with the gracious ways in which God redeems those who are lost in sin. The Doctrines of Grace not only include the five points of Calvinism but also include predestination, foreknowledge, calling, regeneration, justification, conversion, repentance, faith, and glorification.
The main point of the Doctrines of Grace is very clear—God is the author of our salvation and because of this, He alone deserves our praise. By God’s grace, I have seen the God of the Bible through the prism of these great doctrines. I have never been the same since the Lord revealed these wonderful truths to my soul. It is my conviction that the gospel cannot be properly declared if these truths are rejected, neglected or ignored. I trust you'll come to love these great doctrines as I do.
My prayer is that this book will open your eyes to the awesome wonders of how God saves sinners. Upon the understanding of the Doctrines of Grace, the soul bursts forth into a doxology of praise crying, “To God be the glory great things He hath done!”